From 01-02 September 2018 at the Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego, przy Magnoliowej 8 street in Lublinie, took place 31st Taekwon-Do KIDS Instructor Course. In Poland, the course was organized for the second time. The first edition took place in 2016 and was conducted by GM Donato Nardizzi.
This Year edition was led by Mr. Fabian Izquierdo VI Dan, Member of the ITF Development Committee who defeated over 13,000 km flying from Argentina to Poland to share with the future instructors his vast knowledge and experience based on many years of hard work on the above program.
On the first of September, 55 people from the following countries arrived for the IKC: England, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, and Ukraine.
Master Tadeusz Łoboda, vice president of the Polish Taekwon-Do Association open the course with the welcome of Mr. Izquierdo and all present and then solemnly announced the start of 31 IKC. In addition, due to the fact that Mr. Fabian is a Spanish-speaking Master Łoboda, introduced Mrs. Katarzyna Filipek, who translated the contents into Polish language, Ms. Izabela Czepirska who translated content from English to Polish and Ms. Izabela Łoboda - Coordinator of TKD Kids in Poland, who assisted in organizational and technical matters.
Mr. Fabian Izquierdo expressed his joy at the possibility of conducting classes and a large group of the present. He started the course by telling the gathered history of the program, how the idea for the program germinated and how it developed. He also mentioned how he presented the idea of the program to General Choi Hong Hi, who complimented his work, at the same time explaining that when he created Taekwon-Do did not think that it would be a martial art also for women and children. Taekwon-Do in the original concept it was supposed to be a martial art intended for military training.
Then Mr. Izquierdo shows examples of games to greet and relax the group. He presented many ideas for activity and movement games. At the same time noting that not the game is the most important but the goal that we want to achieve with this game. A child may not know what the purpose of the game is, but the instructor should always plan the training with selected games, which will help the child to learn specific skills and knowledge.
Mr. Izquierdo pointed out that a good instructor draws attention to the characteristic age, behavior, and capabilities of the child and that he adapts his classes to the group with which he leads them. He drew attention to the creative approach to planning activities. He encouraged the use of cheap and widely available materials like bottles, corks or newspapers and creating with them didactic aids.
The greatest attribute of the instructor is his passion and imagination, thanks to which he can lead joyful, unconventional and unforgettable classes. At the end of the day, Mr. Fabian Izquierdo answered the questions asked by the group and the classes ended with a common greeting.
The second day of the course also began with theory. The chairman recalled the most important content of the previous day and went on to the next topics. In order to wake up the group, Mr. Izquierdo proposed the exercise of the mind. Proving that you need to constantly practice our brain, stimulating it to think creatively, because it likes to be lazy. Mr. Izquierdo presented the way in which he plans his classes.
He informed the instructors that they always need to have plan A, B, and C for training because we can never be sure what we will find at the gym.
The lecturer went on to the next dose of games and activities. The course participants had the opportunity to create their own training accessories from newspapers and adhesive tape. And see how the classes are conducted in other countries.
The course ended with Master Tadeusz Łoboda, who thanked Fabian for his work by giving him a huge box of Polish sweets. Mr. Izquierdo handed out the diplomas, and then everyone went on a group photo and individual memorial pictures with the host.
We are looking forward to the next courses with Mr. Izquierdo and encourage everyone to attend such events. This was a joyful and educating experience for all participants.
Pictures from this event you can find under the following link.