Taekwon-Do Club Levski was the host of New horizons project from the EU Erasmus+ program realized from 20 to 29 August 2018 in the Bulgarian black sea resort Obzor. Partner organization of the project was Hellenic Quadrathlon Federation leaded by GM Panagiotis Gialamas. The project involved 27 participants per country which participated in interactive training and sports activities, based entirely on the principles of non-formal education in order to increase motivation for employment and economic activity of young people, acquire skills, new knowledge and practical competences related to career guidance and overcoming youth unemployment, increase the confidence in their own strengths, skills and competences.
The implementation of this project is another proof that Taekwon-Do can be significant social asset to modern society and a way for career development for everyone who is dedicated to the Art.
Yavor Tasev
President of Taekwon-Do Club Levski