The AETF Tournament and Umpire Committee of All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation would like to announce that the final deadline to submit the umpires application for work at the European Taekwon-Do Championships 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina was shortened to 5th August 2019.
The deadline was shortened due to the high amount of umpires who have already applied to take part in 34th Senior and 25th Junior European Taekwon-Do Championships from 10th to 13th October 2019 in Sarajevo as well as the ever-increasing cost of flights to Sarajevo.
Umpires selected by their National Association should complete the application form by the following link: https://forms.gle/ycZjMMTWrnBCLy3t9 before August 5th 2019, after this date sending applications will be impossible.
More information about the umpires at the Euros 2019 are available here: https://itfeurope.org/post/umpires-application-for-euros-2019
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