Dear Members of the AETF,
With great pleasure, I want to inform you that FUJI MAE has closed a commercial agreement with the AETF to be its Sponsor for the term of two years 2019-2020.
We would like to welcome and thank the Spanish company for believing in Us as an organization.
This is a very important first step for our AETF. We hope that soon many companies will join our entity as partners with the same defined objective goal to develop our ITF Taekwon-Do in Europe and the world.
I invite you to read a short introducing interview with Mrs Gertru Fernandez, the Representative of FUJI MAE for International Development.
Leonardo Oros Duek
AETF Marketing Director
Mr Leonarodo Oros Duek: With which habitual elements of practice, FUJIMAE is part of every day, within the ITF Taekwon-do?
Mrs Gertru Fernandez: FUJIMAE is a specialized company of products for the practice of Martial Arts and Combat Sports. With more than 3,000 references, we cover practically all disciplines. ITF Taekwon-Do is an important discipline for us, for which we have bet from the beginning and therefore our range of specific products for its practitioners, is also important and extensive. We work the entire range of specific products for the practice of ITF Taekwon-Do:
- Doboks: full range. Kids, Training, Black Belt, Instructor, Grand Master, in different qualities
- Belts: children, adults, bicolors, specific ...
- Protections: Gloves, Foot protectors, Head protectors, in different qualities
- Complementary equipment for all lovers and practitioners of ITF Taekwon-Do: T-shirts, sweatshirts, sports bags, key chains and various accessories, in different models, with current designs and periodically renewed, so that the practitioner can, in addition to training with better products, enjoy and show your passion, also out of training and competitions
- And evidently, we also work with a wide range of products and equipment for clubs and teachers where classes are taught, such as bags, shields, tatamis, etc ...
In short, we offer everything necessary for the ITF Taekwon-Do practitioner, at the level of training, competition and complements.
Mr Leonarodo Oros Duek: How is the story of FUJIMAE within the ITF Taekwon-Do?
Mrs Gertru Fernandez: We have been supporting ITF Taekwon-do in all areas for more than 20 years.
We have been a sponsor of the Spanish National Federation for 20 years
We have been a Sponsor of the International Federation for 12 years
Throughout these years, we have equipped national teams from several countries, in addition to Spain and we have sponsored a large number of events, both international, national and of course local. We collaborate in numerous events, from those considered of great importance, such as World Championships, World Cups, etc. to small local/regional events aimed at promoting ITF Taekwon-Do among the youngest.
The support to the youngest has always been and is of vital importance for FUJIMAE and to them, we usually dedicate an important part of our effort, since they are the future of ITF Taekwon-Do