This conference is the first of it’s kind for the ITF and will offer a unique opportunity for ITF members to come together to learn in an interactive manner, discuss and share ideas and concepts, experience new training methods & tools from both ITF and non-ITF experts and enjoy a weekend of networking and social interaction together.
The event will take place in the University of Limerick, a state of the art educational and sporting campus, located just outside Limerick City, in the Midwest region of Ireland.
The theme of the conference is “Advances and Innovation in ITF Coaching” and over the course of the weekend we will explore a range of topics related to developing high performance athletes, sport psychology, plyometric training, nutrition, biomechanics, performance planning, specific training methods to prepare athletes at elite level in various disciplines, the future of ITF competition & competition rules, developing a community of coaches, inclusion of those with special needs in ITF and more.
We are looking forward to meeting you there.
You can find all the information on the ITF website at this link; https://www.taekwondoitf.org/event/1st-itf-international-coaches-conference/
As this event has a capacity for accommodation and also the lecture theatres we encourage you to not delay in registering. Already we have a lot of participants from 15 countries registered.
Should you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us at coachconference@taekwondo.ie
Grandmaster Willem Jacob Bos IX
Sabum Adrian Byrne VI
Sabum Stephen Ryan VI
ITF Coaches’ Conference Organizing Committee
On behalf of the International Taekwon-Do Federation