Dear Masters, Instructors/Coaches,
We have the pleasure of inviting you, on behalf of the Irish Taekwon-Do Association, to the Munster Open, which will be held in Neptune Stadium, Cork, on the weekend of the 9th and 10th of February 2019.
This competition will include pattern and sparring for all grades, special technique for all blue belts and above from aged 11 upward and power test for black belts.
Saturday 9th February is for all black belts as well as colour belts of cadet (14 -17 years), senior (18 to 34 years) as well as veteran (35 years+) categories and is open to yellow belts and above.
Those 35 years and older may choose to enter the senior or veteran category. Veterans will compete separately for pattern and sparring divisions only (please make sure to email the weights of your veterans and all 11-13 Blue/Red Belts that are sparring in case we need to split categories). The 15 and under black belt division is designed as a developmental division for younger black belts not yet ready to make the step up to a more elite level. Please note those aged 14 and above wishing to be considered for the national team should compete in the 15 to 17 years black belt divisions. Please note that the weigh in will close at 10am.
Sunday 10th February is for the junior colour belt categories and is open to yellow belt to black tag aged 7 to 13yrs. Please note that the height check for those not doing patterns will close at 11am.
Please enter your competitors on the event page on the Sportdata website. Entries will open on Tuesday 1st January 2019 and will close on Saturday the 2nd of February.
Please note that this is a pre-registration only event. No club entries will be accepted after the 2nd of February. Completed hardcopy forms should be brought on the day of the event. Please remember that accurate information is the responsibility of the instructor. When submitting your competitor entries you must also submit your umpire and coach list or the entries will be returned to you as incomplete.
Sparring for Cadet and Senior Black Belts will be run using a pool & requalification system, guaranteeing more bouts for all competitors in those categories.
First, second and joint third place in each section shall receive an award, except for black belt categories where there will be a 3rd place playoff. Additionally all juniors up to 10 years to green tag who are not placed will receive a commemorative medal.
Looking forward to seeing you at this event
Master Mark Buckley VII Dan ITA Tournament Director
Mr. Stephen Ryan VI Dan ITA Tournament Coordinator
Mr Carl Smullen V Dan ITA Umpire Chairperson
Mr Stephen Smullen V Dan ITA Tournament Administrator