Event: ITF Battle 2018 (ITF Netherlands Master Series)
Date & Time: October 10th 2018 | 08:00-17:00
Location: Sporthal Nieuw Welgelegen, Grebbenberglaan 13, 3527 VX Utrecht
This I.T.F. Netherlands Master Series tournament is since long organized by Taekwon-Do In Nae Do Kwan. Besides Sparring (also non-contact for the youngest competitors!), Patterns, Pre-Arranged Sparring and the High Kick, there’s new special twist in Team Sparring: in teams of 3 (male/female mixed), each member from a different age group (youth, junior and senior), you will be testing each other out!
Facilities: Gratis parkeren, horeca aanwezig Free parking, cafeteria on location
Hotel: www.booking.com
Host: Master James Tjin-A-Ton & Liesbeth Willems (Taekwon-Do In Nae Do Kwan) | +31-(0)6 54 277 369 | info@itf-taekwondo.nl | www.itf-taekwondo.nl
Registration Fee: From €15,-
Registration deadline: tiny.cc/BATTLE2018 (Sportdata) | Deadline: 23.09.2018
Invitation: Invitation ITF Battle October 7th 2018 (EN)
Extra info: For the best performing club there’s a big cup to be won!