On Sunday October 21st the second ITF-Belgium Day of Taekwon-Do & Kids Day of 2018 was held in the ADEPS Sports complex in Jambes. With 169 participants & 13 instructors a new record was set.
On the Kids Day the youngest members had classes for 1,5 hour, with Esther Meulemeester (III°degree), Nico Tunyck (III°degree) and Margaux Pollefeyt (II°degree) as instructors.
The Day of Taekwon-Do started at 10.00 and ended at 13.30, with a general warming-up and cooling-down by Tomas Chacon (II°degree). Afterward the group was divided in subgroups, depending on age and grade, with tul, hosinsul, sparring and powerbreaking & special techniques. Instructors were Master Annick Van Driessche (VII°degree), Eddy Van Damme (VI°degree), Virginia Dionisi (VI°degree), Yves Pollefeyt (VI°deree), Patrick Crevecoeur (V°degree), Bob Wigman (V°degree), Tom Van De Sijpe (IV°degree) and Wim Vermandere (IV°degree).
Meanwhile some of the black belt instructors present had an individual tul session with Grand Master Frank Vanberghen (IX°degree). At the end of the seminar, all participants received a certificate of participation.