ITF England First Annual Meeting on Zoom
  4th Mar 2021

ITF England held its AGM on Zoom on Sunday 28th February as national restrictions because of the pandemic meant a face-to-face meeting was not possible. Miss Carly Wilson V, the outgoing technical director managed all of the IT required to great success, and whilst under great pressure as this was a meeting which included the vote for a new board of directors.
Over 50 people attended the meeting Including Grand Master Orello Ellis. The membership voted to support the extension of the board’s term of office from 2 to 3 years.

We welcomed to the board Master Philip Lear VII as vice president, and Master Tom Denis VIII as technical director. Master Mckenna VII was re-elected as president. Master Ian Ridley VII was elected as ethics and discipline director. Master Nick Symonds VII retained his position as tournament director, and Mrs Gray V and Mr Brider V were re elected as Secretary General and Treasurer, respectively.

Miss Wilson was congratulated on starting the ITF England masters committee and the “girls who kick” programme, and a special tribute was given to Master Paul Cook VII, who stood down as ethics and discipline director after many years of selfless service to ITF England.
The new board of directors would like to thank everyone who attended the meeting and look forward to reviewing the constitution and developing our strategy to realise the potential of ITF England.