ITF features in Irish Advertising Campaign
  11th May 2022

ITF Taekwon-Do features heavily in an advertising campaign running currently across Irish Media. The campaign is for one of the largest Irish chains of convenience stores and is running across Radio, TV, Print, Outdoor and Social Media. Called “Live Every Day”, the campaign highlights that we all have the power to choose how we live every day. One of the ways that they have chosen to highlight is to live with and demonstrate respect each day. One of the ways in which they demonstrate respect is the depiction of ITF Taekwon-Do.

In the campaign, ITF Taekwon-Do is represented by the IFSC Dublin One club who are members of the Irish National Taekwon-Do Association (INTA). The opportunity arose when the advertising company contacted the Head Instructors, Ms Lenka Marsikova and Mr John Moffitt, having followed them on Facebook. They felt that the values of ITF Taekwon-Do would be in line with the positive choices message they wanted to promote as part of the nationwide campaign. They observed some of the classes and then did some filming of some of the club’s members sparring practice. The advertising company commented that they really liked the ethos and courtesy demonstrated by the IFSC club’s students during the sparring practice.

For John and Lenka, who are both experienced International competitors and coaches, it was a novel and fun experience and they were delighted to promote ITF Taekwondo and its values.

Click here for the full television advert -