IX European Cup - Reminder
  4th Oct 2018

Dear Masters, Instructors and Competitors,
There are just three weeks left to the IX European Cup and "Mightyfist "International TKD Cup for Children and Kadets. (25-28 of October 2018)

As you may see at online registration site, more and more European Cup participants are appearing on the list. There are more than 700 competitors and more than 920 participants enrolled so far. We, as the organizing committee, are more than happy to see such a huge interest in the upcoming European Cup.

You are all kindly required to check the vouchers for accommodation sent by the travel agency and confirm the booking you requested is correct.

All umpires, please inform the organizer team if you arrive before 25/10, by email at

Please do not wait till the last day to enroll the competitors in the sistem, you are required to do it as soon as possible. It will help organizers and T&U Committee to prepare a correct schedule of the competition. We all count on your cooperation.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you in Sibiu, Romania

Kindest regards,
The Organizing Committee