On March 25-26, 2023, National Quadrathlon tournament for the "Elin Pelin" Cup was held in the "Eng. Yanko Yankov" sports hall, Elin Pelin, Bulgaria. In the competition took part 275 competitors from 18 gyms. The participants aged 6 to 17 years competed in the individual disciplines of Pattern and Sparring and the team discipline - Power Test.
Official guests of the event were Mr. Vencislav Ignatov - President of the Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-Do and Mr. Yavor Tasev - General Secretary of All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation. During the official opening, competitors from Taekwon-Do club „Levski“ presented an attractive demonstration.
Mr. Yavor Tasev welcomed the competitors and the audience and opened the championship.
The main organizer of the competition was Mr. Mario Danov, Chairman of the Board of the Elin Pelin Quadathlon club.
Final standing:
1. CPTC - 97 School – 630 points;
2. NSU "Sofia" - 393 points;
3. TC Levski - 61 School – 296 points.
Vencislav Ignatov
BAT President