Dear Taekwon-Do friends,
t is with great pleasure that I would like to invite you all to the 3rd edition of the Black Eagle International Taekwon-Do Open. The event will be held in Tampere on the 9th March 2019 and will include sparring and pattern categories with a pool system, to allow the maximum rounds for competitors. The World Championships being held in late April, this is a great opportunity for your teams to add an extra event to their preparation before the championships.
Address: HERVANTA SPORTS HALL Lindforsinkatu 5, 33720, Tampere
Registration done online through ITF Finland online system http://www.tkdman.com/sitf/live/index.php (credentials can be requested to Mr. Lasse Kuusisto: lasse.kuusisto@taekwon-do.fi
We hope to see you in Tampere and we will do our upmost to make your stay pleasant and fun.Yours in Taekwon-Do,
Master Thierry Meyour VII Dan
Black Eagle Taekwon-Do Head Instructor
Event coordinator.