All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation would like to inform that the draws of all divisions of the 9th European Taekwon-Do Cup 2018 and International Taekwon-Do Cup for Cadets and Children, to be held on 24-26th October, 2018 in Sibiu, Romania are now available on the official online registration website of the European Cup 2018 and can be checked in the section ‘reports’ under the following link:
9th European Taekwon-Do Cup 2018
International Taekwon-Do Cup for Cadets and Children
Please note, that a draw may be changed if more than 4 competitors in one division will not appear at the competition.
The schedule of all divisions for each competition day of International Taekwon-Do Cup for Cadets and Children as well as 9th European Taekwon-Do Cup 2018 for junior and senior you will also find it in the section 'PDF Reports' under the link:
Should you have any questions or remarks, do not hesitate to contact our office.
We look forward to see you all in Sibiu, Romania.