With a great pleasure we would like to inform that the 9th European Taekwon-Do Cup 2018 and International Taekwon-Do Cup for Cadets and Children, to be held on 26-28th October, 2018 in Sibiu, Romania, will be broadcasted online via LiveStream Chanel.
The main page of livestreaming in Romania is available under the link: https://livestream.com/Romania-Live-Events
We invite you to like the official Facebook fanpage of Romanian ITF Taekwon-Do Federation under the link: https://www.facebook.com/FRTaekwondoITF. You will be updated with current information about the event.
You can follow the draws and results in the section Reports under the following links:
9th European Taekwon-Do Cup
International Cup for Children and Cadets
We encourage you to watch the competition online in order to support your Schools to enjoy the ITF European Taekwon-Do Cup and International International Taekwon-Do Cup for Cadets and Children 2018 in Romania via LiveStream.
If you are going to watch the competition please take into consideration the time difference Romania - Europe. The competition starts each day at 8.30 a.m. of EEST – Eastern European Summer Time, which means – 7.30 a.m. GMT Greenwich Mean Time.