Dear instructors and students,
On Saturday the 26th of January the 2019 edition of the Open Dutch ITF Taekwon-do tournament will be held. The event, once again, takes place in our hometown Helmond. I believe it is fair to say that the change of venue was very well received by everyone last year. A brand-new venue where we are able to have 10 squares in a single hall, making it a lot easier for competitors and coaches to see other matches and to get the full Open Dutch experience!
Open Dutch is organized in cooperation with ITF-Netherlands and is part of the Master Series. We expect a high-quality event with, once again, the best taekwon-doka's from all over the world. We already have received various confirmations from top teams that they will be competing in the event.
Visit our website frequently as we will be updating it more regularly the closer we get to the tournament. We have just posted the invitation (Dutch and English) on our website, you can find all relevant information here: http://open-dutch.nl/open-dutch-2019-invitation-is-available
Please note that this year, we will have an overall sparring class in different divisions. We hope to welcome many of you on Saturday the 26th of January and are looking forward to a great tournament. Make sure to mark the date on your calendars, and while you are at it also mark down the fact that registration opens up on the 2nd of November 2018 and closes on the 15th of January 2019.
With regards,
Master Willy van de Mortel
Organizer Open Dutch 2019