To All ITF/AETF National Associations
Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors, Assistant Instructors and Students,
The Spanish ITF Taekwon-Do Federation (FEST) has the honour to invite you to an International Instructors Course (IIC) in Barcelona, Spain. The IIC will be held from Friday the 25th to Sunday, the 27th of January, 2019.
The event will take place in the INEFC (The National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia) facilities, in Montjuic Mountain, which held the Olympic Games in 1992. INEFC was also the place where Gen. Choi conducted an International Course in 1997.
We strongly look forward to share this experience with you in 2019.
Date: 25th, 26th and 27th of January 2019
Venue: INEFC Campus Barcelona, Av. de l’Estadi, 12-22, 08038 Barcelona
The seminar will be conducted by the ITF Technical Committee: Grand Master Hector Marano (9th Degree – Argentina), Grand Master Lan Kim Ung (9th Degree - Germany) and Grand Master Pierre Laquerre (9th Degree - Canada).
On behalf of the Organising Committee and the FEST, I hope that you will join us in Barcelona.
We will do everything possible to turn your stay into an unforgettable experience.
Yours in Taekwon-Do
Paco Ferrando
FEST President