The 132nd International Instructor Course which was held on 17th – 19th August 2018 in Skovde, Sweden was a historical event for Swedish ITF Federation. For the first time in the history of Taekwon-Do in Sweden, the IIC took place in this country.
The course was conducted by Grand Master Hector Marano – ITF Technical Committee Chairman and Grand Master Kim Lan Ung and Master Paul McPhail – Committee Members. Almost 200 participants from 12 countries (Argentina, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Norway, New Zeeland, Poland, Ukraine, and Sweden) came to the town of Skövde, which is situated in the south of Sweden, to perfect their Taekwon-Do skills. Among the attendees there were nine masters participating:
- Master Tadeusz Loboda – Poland
- Master Swavek Dydiszko – Sweden
- Master Michael Barker – Canada
- Master Russell Dennis – England
- Master Jaroslaw Suska – Poland
- Master Philip Lear – England
- Master Walter Komorowski – Germany
- Master Hakan Hansson – Sweden
- Master Peter Logozar – Sweden
The organizing Committee headed by Master Swavek Dydiszko with the assistance of two great women in Taekwon-Do: Mrs. Petra Dydiszko o Mrs. Mimmi Oskrasson, supported by Mr. Robert Andresson, President of Swedish ITF Federation, prepared everything on the highest organizational level. Years of experience gained by organization of the International Viking Cup, one of the most valuable tournaments in Europe, as well as the hosting of the European Taekwon-Do Championships 2010 and finally European Taekwon-Do Championship 2013, ranked as the best prepared and conducted European Championships in the history of AETF, not surprisingly contributed to the fact that the organization of the International Instructor Course was just perfect. The IIC took place also in the sports hall where the above-mentioned events were held.
The Friday Morning training session of the Course started with the official opening ceremony of the Course. The Technical Committee Members were greeted with standing ovation by all participants and received flowers from three young Taekwon-Do practitioners. Master Tadeusz Loboda, AETF President and ITF Treasurer, a special invited guest, opened the IIC. The first session then continued with four hours of pattern, step sparring and kicking drills which all was very much appreciated by all participants.
The subject of the Saturday sessions were pattern, self-defence and kicking drills. All participants were satisfied with the venue as at their disposal there were three different training halls where the IIC Masters could conduct the seminars separately.
Traditionally, at the Saturday evening took place the official IIC banquet. Mr Robert Andersson, the President of Swedish ITF Federation, held an emotional speech about the development of Taekwon-Do in Sweden. The Swedish ITF Federation showed its gratitude to the Technical Committee Masters who conducted the IIC by giving them a special made IIC glass plaque and other gifts.
The banquet was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. A three-course dinner was served. Mrs. Johanna Beijbom, a singer born and raised in Skövde, entertained by singing some well-known songs.
The IIC started on Sunday early due to the fact that two attending masters: Master Russell Dennis from England and Michel Barker from Canada took their grading and were promoted with good marks for 8th degree.
The IIC ended for the higher degrees with an exclusive review of Tong Il Tul and time to ask the chairman of the committee, Grand Master Hector Marano, technical questions. It was also very appreciated to have the opportunity to study the technique of special invited guest, world famous Master Jaroslaw Suska from Poland.
At the ending of the IIC Grand Master Hector Marano, Grand Master Kim Lan Ung and Master Paul McPhail held goodbye speeches in which they showed great appreciation for the IIC in Sweden which we humbly thank for.
See the short footage from the IIC in Sweden:
A big thanks to the IIC instructors, all participants and the Organizing Committee for making IIC Sweden a great success!