On December 1 & 2 2018 there will be a special ITF Kids Development Course in Zaandam, The Netherlands. The ITF Kids Development Program is due for a big overhaul and this is your chance to get in NOW!
This course is for all grades, so club owners: bring your teaching crew and get your Kids classes to the next level!
The ITF Kids Development Program is specifically designed to benefit young children: physically, mentally, behaviorally. Centered around the "DO", the kids will learn essential life skills in a playful way. Curious? Don't miss this course.
The course will be given by Grandmaster Donato Nardizzi, Chairman of the ITF Children's Development Committee. The weekend will be co-hosted by Twimyo.
DATE & TIME: 1 & 2 December 2018
- Saturday: 09:00-17:00
- Sunday: 09:00-16:00
- OBS In ’t Veld, Rosmolenstraat 103, 1502 PE Zaandam (Google Maps)
- Online (Sportdata): https://tiny.cc/KIDS2018REG
- Deadline: 29 November 17:00
CONTACT: secretariaat@itf-nederland.nl
Kids Development Program: ITF Nederland
Kids Development Course: ITF Website
Children’s Development Committee: ITF Website
Hope to see you soon in The Netherlands!
Kind regards,
ITF Netherlands