Polish Taekwon-Do Association and LKS Matsogi Ciechanów inform that on November 22-24 the 13th International Taekwon-Do MAZOVIA MASTERS CUP 2019 and the 6th edition of the Polish Senior and Veteran Championships will take place.
The competition will be held in Ciechanów at the Sports and Entertainment Hall MOSiR located at 17th January 60 street.
The event will be held under the patronage of the Mayor of Ciechanów - Mr Krszysztof Kosiński.
Registration of competitors, trainers, VIPs and accompanying persons will be coordinated by the Polish Taekwon-Do Association. You should register by sportdata website. https://www.sportdata.org/taekwondo_itf/set-online/veranstaltung_info_main.php?active_menu=calendar&vernr=195#a_eventhead
Important dates:
September 10th, 2019 - Start of online registration - from this day competitors can be added via online registration.
November 10th, 2019 - No changes to the application will be possible after this date.
November 10th, 2019 - The deadline to pay the entry fee to the account of the Polish Taekwon-Do Association
November 10th, 2019 - The deadline for paying the accommodation fee to the account specified in the invitation.
Only competitors who meet the following conditions may participate in the competition:
- Competitors must have current medical examinations and parents' consent to participate in the competition, which is confirmed by the trainer through a "Statement" (applies to children, cadets and juniors)
- The clubs must be authorized ITF clubs;
- Competitors must pay an entry fee and have an id card
We encourage you to read the invitation, where you can find more information about the event.
If you have questions, please contact:
In matters of accommodation and meals - Michał Korzybski tel. +48 607 133 234 mkorzybski@wp.pl
Regarding Sportdata online registration - Izabela Łoboda, tel. +48 798 791028 info@pztkd.lublin.pl
Regarding Umpires - Roman Lewicki, tel. +48 601 754 911 roman.lewicki@tauron-dystrybucja.pl